Psalm 16:4 The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply; their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out or take their names on my lips.
What is your first thought when you wake up? I am not talking about “5 more minutes” or “is it 6 already?” I am talking about your first real thought. Where is your heart? I recently started a journey to be financially independent. So, lately my first thought is “Did my payment go through? I can not wait to see my lower balance.” If I were to look back a few months ago my first thought used to be “is there a sale at department stores?” or “did I get any more likes on my social media posts?” Some days my first action after turning off alarm was to check email to see whether there is a sale at my favorite department store because I had reward points that were going to expire. I used to spend fifty dollars to save ten dollars and bought things I wanted but not needed. This obviously led to me where I am today – debt. I looked for water in empty cisterns and my thirst only got worse. In my efforts to look the part of “having it all”, I dug the hole deeper. I read my Bible, trusted Jesus but looked to department stores to make me feel better. I craved for compliments from my co-workers about my new outfit. I am a fat person so getting compliments on how I look is very rare. I knew I will never be referred as hot so, I decided I will settle for “I like your top. It looks good on you.”
For the last 6 years, I ran after department stores and I poured my offerings at their altar whenever I clicked add to cart and checkout or swiped my card. My sorrows only multiplied! Even though I knew the living water, I did not drink from it (John 4). It is not due to lack of knowledge of Christ but because my heart was restless. I was not content in the LORD. We are too quick to quote Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me“. Have ever seen this as caption where a person is jumping off the plane or cliff? Is that the proper context for that nugget of scripture? No! Paul was not talking about being an adrenaline junkie or having the first pumpkin spice latte of the season. He was talking about being content with what he has – plenty of food versus hungry, abundance versus need. How was he able to do this? It is because he rejoices in the LORD! He submits his requests to the LORD with thanksgiving.
Back in the day, when Israelite quit worshiping YAHWEH, they worshiped foreign gods. Today we have people who are chasing other gods such as power, money, popularity, aestheticism, freedom to be what they want to be etc. Even when a person is atheist, he or she is chasing something. Everybody has a god in their life but most important question is who is it? If it is not Jesus, their sorrows will multiply because their thirst will never be quenched. How does it feel to chase after something only to be disappointed? Chasing after anything other than Jesus is like chasing after mirage. I hope people will realize that any God other Jesus was just a mirage and turn their eyes to Him who can satisfy their needs. Jesus did not promise prosperity but peace of mind. Jesus did not promise world peace or honor but tribulations in this life. Do not believe a christian who promises prosperity if you follow Jesus. There is salvation through the blood of Jesus and peace that transcends all understanding through trusting God. Our citizenship is in heaven and we are spend our days and resources faithfully on Earth to bring glory to His name. We are not to make our names big but His name.
As for me, it is time I find joy of the Lord because it should be my strength not compliments from my co-workers. (Nehemiah 8:10) I should let my reasonableness known to my coworkers and not to be frustrated at little things. I must learn to trust in God to finish what He started.