As humans we have expectations about different things. We tend to stereotype things. In the last few decades, we have been rebelling against stereotypes. Depending on the stereotype, it can be a good thing or bad. For example, back in the day diaper commercials showed moms and babies. Nowadays diaper commercials show dads as well….
Where are you planted?
Tired? Weary? Anxious? What would a plant do?
10 Things To Do for a Better Tomorrow (Eating Habits)
If you want to improve your health but are struggling to lose weight, lower blood sugar/pressure/cholesterol, try these 10 things.
Do you want to get well?
Do you want to be better? Are your dreams dead? Are you willing to set your doubts aside and do as He says?
Worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth
Worshiping the Lord is not a theatrical performance but having a heart that is submissive to His Word.
Why would a fisherman listen to a carpenter?
Stepping out in faith shows obedience to the Lord even when it doesn’t quite make sense
Cooler weather? Have more fun!
Having fun and staying fit as temperature drop.
Ask and Seek
Seek the Lord with all your heart and soul like your life depends on it because it actually does.
Thirsty? Try Living Water
Do not chase after other gods like fame, money, power etc or you will be disappointed. Look to Jesus for eternal life and living water.
Lost in the background
Do we fall in love with a beautiful face but end up settling for the face next to that one? Is it because we were afraid to pick the right face of the shelf from the store of random faces? What does it take for us to just go for it? Do you know a…